Generator GPA

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Generator GPA

Post by bobassel »

Hi all
A good GPA friend of mine had a problem with generator and regulator.
After examenating I came to the conclusion that both were gone !! cry
When a generator is not working for a long while the magnetic field is gone and there will be no current coming out !
With giving a small 12 volt boost on field, the magnetic field is there again and it works o.k.
Also posible that there were made wrong connections with generator and regulator and than it is posible
that regulator or / and generator get broken.
It is difficult to get a GPA generator and a 12 volt 55 amp. regulator.
A 12 volt Autolite/ Dodge generator is more easy to get and I recently came in the occasion to buy one.
The size is almost the same and the connecting holes, for the bracket are also the same as the original GPA generator ! lol
The max current is also 55 Amp. and only the pully is a little bigger.
So this is a very good alternative in case you can 't find a GPA one.
The problem with my friends generator was a broken armature.
The costs for repairing this were enormous .cry
So I compared the Dodge generator armature with the GPA armature.
Unfortunately you can 't use the Dodge one because the different size and model cry
But it is a good alternative on the shelf sunny
Ford GPA 12350, april 2nd 1943
Author of GPA book,
Bantam trailer S.N: 147807
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