Was there ever a single page GPA lube chart

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Was there ever a single page GPA lube chart

Post by Donovan »

I am curious, was there ever a single page colored lube chart that was included with the GPA separate from the manuals? I have never seen one or seen one mentioned here or at G503. I have seen them for GPW/MB and DUKW, but not for GPA.
GPA 11374
Jan Roelse
Posts: 107
Joined: Thu Dec 29, 2005 12:17 pm

Re: Was there ever a single page GPA lube chart

Post by Jan Roelse »

HI Donovan,
As far as I know, there was no issue of a lube chart for a GPA.
Just the pages in the MM TM-10-1263 page 13 to 20 incl.
The US-Army sure had plans for that issue but the GPA-production was "unforeseen" cut off.
This soon after ( we know now !) negative feed-backs from the users in the field.
For big amphib-operations the DUKW was according the Army most of the time a better choise.
In S-U hands the GPA was much more succesfull according a lot of intensive action photos during WW2.
Interesting to know what was the difference in use and maintenance. To laborious all for the GI-drivers maybe?
For the "after war users" maybe an idea to make such a lube chart issue just to have one :-))
GPA 1942 #3972
GPA 1943 #11933
GPW 1942 #34836
WLA 1942 #60724
WLC 1943 #5185
Collector:WW2 docs/prints amphibians.
Avatar: Tribute to Ben Carlin "Half Safe"
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