Operation "Final Push"or Final douche /shower.

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Operation "Final Push"or Final douche /shower.

Post by bobassel »

Two and an halve week there were libaration memorials in the middle and north of Holland.
Keep them Rolling, the Dutch military vehicle group, was there with more than 200 vehicles, to celibrate the
libarations of several cities.
There were several base camps with historical scenes and reenactment.
There were American, Canadian, Britisch,French and other troops active in 1945.
So several base camps were there now also from different nationalities.
The Amphib group was there to take part in the ceremonies with a tour on the river Rhine, the part
that goes from Germany into the Netherlands on March 29.
On April the 5th we were there on the Twente canal to replay the historic crossing.
The river Rhine tour was a day that the rain would not stop falling cry
This resulted that all the tops were on and a lot of public stayed at home cry
At the end of the trip a storm broke lose and waves were high on the river.
We were there with four Ford GPA's and four DUKW's.
In spite of the bad weather, being together with Amphib friends, it was o.k. lol
On sunday the 5th of April, I joined again with a tour on the Twente canal.
The weather gods were now more on our hand, because this Easter day was wonderfull and sunny sunny
We were with five Ford GPA's, three DUKW's and a modified water Weasel that was driven not only on the
tracks, but also with a own engine driven propellor. idea
Lots of people were there to see the amphibs in the canal sailing and playing and see the reenactment of the crossing
of the canal with small boats, with support of several tanks, guns, canons and a lot of noise and smoke.
The public was very enthousiastic sunny
We all enjoyed a great day and I 'm looking forward to the trips of May the 5th, the totall libaration day of Holland, with tours and trips in
the whole country.
A lot of the Amphib guys will be in the north of Holland, in the city of Leeuwarden to do trips through the canals.
Ford GPA 12350, april 2nd 1943
Author of GPA book,
Bantam trailer S.N: 147807
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