GPA 430

Here you can post your GPA serial numbers, your GPA history and if you want
some owners info with pictures.
Nice to see a face that belongs to a GPA !

Moderator: bobassel

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Stephen Farrugia

GPA 430

Post by Stephen Farrugia »

I have the only GPA remaining in Malta. It came to Malta during WW II by the British Army, then ended up in the hands of its first owner. He did sail a few times with it and passed it on to another guy. This guy dismantled it and used chassis and axles, built a cab and used it as a truck. The hull was left in a field exposed to all elements rain and sun. The first owner bought it again, that is the 'truck' and hull. In the meantime the remaining parts were lost. The body was left yet again in a yard for around another 20 years, until it ended up at a friend of mine from whom I bought it in 2004. I am still collecting the missing parts and have just started on its restoration. Pictures are from 1948 and 2004 when I got it.

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Joined: Fri Jun 03, 2011 9:33 pm

Re: GPA 430

Post by ollygolf »

Hi Stephen
I was with Bob in Normandy and met you there. I was reading about your Gpa. Mine was with the British Army too. It serves in India Burma campaign. Send pics of your Gpa & how it
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