Biesbos Holland May 2021

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Biesbos Holland May 2021

Post by bobassel »

Hi my friends,
With a small group we enjoyed our yearly tradition of "The Biesbos event" by "Mund".
Because of Corona, last year the event was cancelled.
This time, the first time for me with my "new" GPA.
It was great again and to be with my Amphib friends over there.
I was welcome on board with my friends, and that was heart warming, when I had no amphib,
and all helped me to get my GPA back on the road / water.
But the best is when you have your own.
I tested the vehicle several times and did small repairs and improovements.
The first day of arrival we did some small tours on the lake near the campsite.
The seccond day, friday we did a trip in the Biesbos with good weather.
Last day, saturday, organiser Mund arranged a trip through the canals of the city Breda.
The last day we had some rain, but all & all we had sunny / dry weather.
We were with two DUKW's, one Dutton, 3 Russian GAZ, 3 Amphi cars, and 10 Ford GPA's.
I had a small carburator problem, with a overfloting carb, but I could fix this easely on a small beach.
During the three days, I didn't have to use the bilge, because there was no drup of water inside lol
Now all are preparing to Amphib international in Austria.
Thanks Mund,

Ford GPA 12350, april 2nd 1943
Author of GPA book,
Willys MD M38A1, A13817 1952
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