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GPA 5643

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 3:19 pm
by uglyduckling5643
Hi Everyone,
What a great site! I think I already know some of you guys, and I recognise some of the GPA's,
My Name is Mark Manning, I live in England. I have GPA 5643, D.O.D. 1/7/43, It came from the great lakes area in the U.S. over to the U.K. and I aquired it around 1993, took me about 2.5 years to restore, and first rallied in 1995. I have never taken it in the water ( I can hear the jeering and hissing! ) The truck was in relatively good condition, the engine siezed, transmission and axles full of water, some floor,front and rear bilges rotted through,rear panels dented, in fact, everything that one would expect. It had been partially stripped down ( that is my worst nightmare) but I was lucky that it was almost complete ( to me, the most important thing) as finding parts can be the most frustrating, time consuming and expensive part of any restoration, as I am sure you all know![img][img][/img][/img]

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 7:30 pm
by Dominique Cordonnier
Good to have you with us Mark
Congratulations for your hard work !!
Best regards Dominique

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 10:41 am
by GlennV
Hi Mark,

how are you, long time no see ! :wink:

Everything ok

Posted: Tue Jan 03, 2006 1:12 pm
by uglyduckling5643
Hi Glenn ! Great to be in contact again, Yes it must be about 10 years, I have been busy doing the same as you, building houses, and raising kids! Your GPA is progressing very well, I like the photo's you posted. As far as the proptube is concerned, consider this, If your rear springs have been 'off' and not subjected to a loading for some while they tend to take on a greater curve, also the GPA is not fully rebuilt and does not weigh heavy yet. these two factors would contribute towards a greater angle at the tube/diff joint, and make the job awkward. I experienced a similar frustration. Dont be too dissapointed, I remember wrestleing and fighting every component into place, hardly anything fitted first time. Good luck, and hope to see you soon, Best regards Mark.