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restoration progress GPA3052

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 5:37 pm
by Dominique Cordonnier
after months of interuption of its restoration, GPA 3052 was ready for its first immersion test since its stay in India many years ago :D


but I needed first of all the official approval of our chief forum administrator, for its seaworthiness.




A few leaks were to be expected but nothing serious. Mainly the seal on the stearing rod definitely needs to be clamped :?
Had as well a few problems with the bilge pump that didn't seem to be working at first.

But after some proper manipulation of the levers and good acceleration, everything worked to the surprise of my friend Jos

First water test!

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 6:07 pm
by bobassel
Yes Yes Yes!!! finaly!!! :D :D
Dominique , she looks great!
I shurely hope we can swim together in the near future :roll:
Get her ready and don't forget to solve your transportation problem.
I'm sure you will have lots of fun with your toy like I do 8) .
Keep sending pics to show us all the development.

All the best and greetings
your friend Bob

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 8:47 pm
by fordgpa
Nice going Dominique.
So finally you put it into the lagune .good that you put on the lifejackets.
Testing it on the 13th. :roll:
You never know what is gone happen with a test swim :lol:
I realy enjoyed my stay 8)
Hope to see you soon and we keep in touch.
Your gpa mate.


Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 3:28 am
by Donovan

It looks great. It sounds as if the leaks were minor and you soon will be swimming away. Alas, my progress goes slow. The hull, the hull , the hull!!!

I am in the midst of doing the rewiring of the dashboard. Does anyone have a picture or diagram that shows where the wires exit the dashboard and to the engine, front lights and rear lights.



Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 3:43 pm
by jerome
Bonjour Dominique

Great pictures, thanks a lot. By the way, where did you find that amazing sailing spot?

If you plan a trip to Paris, do not forget to call me; I will take you on a tour of our club. This invitation is obviously extended to all board members.



Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 12:03 pm
by Dominique Cordonnier
Thank you my dear amphib friends , for your nice comments and encouragements :) and as well for your invitation Jerome ; Id be delighted to meet you one day in Paris and visit you club :)
As for my first sailing spot, it was in the lagoon of my exotic garden ; but due to the marks left on it's side, by the tires on it's white surface, :? the next trial before I put on the decks , will be filling up the hull with water : :(
All my very best regards Dominique