Finally I received my bilge pump!!

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Finally I received my bilge pump!!

Post by gpa430 »

Another part struck off my long list of needed parts :D


Stephen Farrugia
GPA #430
Posts: 245
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Post by Mithril »

Great find Steven.

Are both those brackets 100% olive drab painted or are they OD + black. I suppose it is simply old grease/cosmoline on them.
1943 Ford GPA #7177 (SOLD)
1945 Ford GPW #267061
1944 Bantam T-3 #48593 ... me=mithril
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Post by Rick »

Wow Stephen
Where on earth would you find something like that?
Good luck Rick[/img]
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Post by Donovan »


I agree with Rick that has to be very unusual to find a NOS bilge pump along with the brackets for a GPA. I would like to here the story about how you found that one!!

Good luck,

GPA 11374
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Post by GPA2196 »

I bought one of those last year from a well known vendor in the same condition NOS in cosmoline. Unforutately he only has a couple of more and wants to hold on to his remaining stock... I think I bought the last one he was willing to let go.... the bad news was it cost me 1000 USD... but I was willing to pay for this rare NOS part...

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Post by gpa430 »

It truly was a great find, it took me a while but with persevierance I finally was lucky enough to get it, I actually bought it way back in June but it took quite a while to get here!!!!

Mithril that is grease not black paint.
Stephen Farrugia
GPA #430
Jan Roelse
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Post by Jan Roelse »

Hi Stephen,
I understand exactly your feelings about this find!
I had the same experiance in an Amphib-meeting in Belgium in 1990 with my old GPA buddy John Henry Ford from Grimsby (Gr.Br.)
Not the son of...!
John sold/swap me one of his 3 (!!!) NOS spares. That time there was not a lot of interest in amphibs. It was a small GPA-world sure not with help of the fantastic way of communication we have now today.
That there was still one NOS in stock in 2007 I never expected.
Stephen good luck with it, but ... I am sure it will be in the same condition over at least another 65 years when I see the way you make your hull like new again.
By the way, I know a very close GPA-friend in Amsterdam who is still in a bad mood that he did,t took the same risk in 1990 to buy also a NOS bilge pump and a very bad day(week/year) with his lovely lady! :-)
Regards, Jan

P.S. Amphib Holland 21 to 28 July 2007-Arnhem-Rhine-Holland!
GPA 1942 #3972
GPA 1943 #11933
GPW 1942 #34836
WLA 1942 #60724
WLC 1943 #5185
Collector:WW2 docs/prints amphibians.
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GPA Bilge Pump.

Post by richardfs »

Hi Stephen,
What a great find. If you find any more let me know :lol:

Well its gone to a good home and a guy that really appreciates it.

Best regards Richard
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