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Black bloody Sunday!

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 5:20 pm
by bobassel
Hello dear friends

Here a not so pleasant anouncement!
Last sunday I drove allone in my Ford GPA visiting some friends in the neighbourhood.
I was driving on a major road when I saw a car approaching from the left.
I kept watching this car and saw that it didn' t reduse speed!
Than I realised that the driver didn' t see me at all and I hit the brakes full
but unfortunately the car rammed me at the drivers place of my GPA!
It pushed me off the road into a ditch.
My first concern was my beloved GPA!
Afterwards I realise I was lucky because I survived the crash!
I had a broken nose,a lot of blood loss, painfull eye, several miner injuries in my face and a swollen ankle.
An ambulance transported me to the hospital where I' ve got the first medical care.
Comming wednesday I must return when the swellings are hopefully over and than they gonna oparate my nose.
I' m now back home and so is my GPA.
The right front is badly dammaged and the also the left side from front wheel to rear wheel.
This year no more amphibian pleasures for me :?
I hope the insurance- and a special repair company can ease my pain in the stomach a little!
Painfull greetings , Bob

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 6:04 pm
by GPA2196

So sorry to hear about the accident. I'm glad you are ok! I'm sure your GPA will be able to be repaired...


Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 7:10 pm
by bobskinner
So sorry about your accident, still it could have been worse, we forget how vulnerable we are in these vehicles, not only on the road but on the water as well. I hope you are well again soon and that your GPA gets the attention it deserves and quickly!
Best Wishes,
English Bob

Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 7:30 pm
by Donovan

I am so sorry to hear about what happened. Just be thankful you were not seriously injured. I hope your recovery is swift and with no complications.

As for your vehicle, it was restored once, and can be restored again, it just is going to take time and money. Your biggest concern is that you want to make sure it is done right and will need to review every aspect of the repair. I have often thought about what would happen in this situation since the only restorer who knows anything about the vehicle in my area is ME! I am sure it is the same for you.

Good luck and let us know if there is anything we can do to assist,


Posted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 10:22 pm
by Mithril
Dear Bob, my english is not good enough to let you know my sad feeling.

First of all, take care of you. If you are in some need, just let us know.

A GPA is like a Phoenix, she always born again from her own ashes.


Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2007 11:05 am
by jerome
Dear Bob,

Very sad to hear about your ordeal. Based on pictures, it seems the raming car did not respect your right of way. I hope this will help with insurance responsibilities (ie restoration costs). I also hope the frame did not suffer from the accident. The GPA is a heavy vehicule, I can only imagine the villence of impact to through you into the ditch.

Also glad you made it well, it could have been much worse, believe a trauma physician ... you are lucky you did not suffer any internal injury (ie no seat belt or air bag)

I wish you both fast recovery.



Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 1:07 pm
by Jan Roelse
Dear Bob,

Sorry for your bad luck! As promised by email and phone already , ask for help if you want! Try to be fit a little bit for Amphib in Holland soon.
Don't worry for a seat in the amphibs!
Be careful,
Greetings, Jan

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 10:35 pm
by fordgpa
Hi Bob ,
just back from holiday this is no good news .
I will phone you tomorrow
get better both


Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 1:33 am
by David Welch
I am glad that you and your beautiful GPA will survive.


Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 1:05 pm
by bobassel
Hello dear amphib friends

A month after my accident my personal damage is mostly solved.
I only still have a painfull ankle but I think this will solve in time.
Because I had full insurance I brought my beloved GPA to Bart Holland
restauration company.
This is the in my opinion the best adress for the restauration / repairs on my GPA.
I am very glad to hear from Mr. Holland that my GPA is not hooked!
It is a lot of damage but I'm sure Mr Holland will repair my GPA with the
"eye" of GPA owner.
No plastic repair but high quality!
You can follow the repair on the internet;
An interesting site and you can see the company can do everything!

I will thank everybody for the nice words / mails & telephones I ' ve got.
It gives me a warm "band of brothers" feeling!! :oops:
I hope my GPA will be back in her own "stable" half Oktober.

Greetings Bob

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 9:33 am
by jerome
Thanks Bob for the update and great site. Happy to know that the GPA will be restored to highest standards. Thanks for the link.


Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 9:47 am
by GPA2196

Thanks for the pictures... you're disassembly pictures should help with others assembly... I noticed what looks like a filter on you're wiring harness on the drivers side ventilation duct right above the steering cables... is that part of the radio suppression kit? I don't believe I have one of those...


B.O. resistance

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 3:48 pm
by bobassel
Hello Tony

The thing you mean is the early resistance for the B.O. driving lamp!
There were only 6 volt B.O. driving lamps at that time so Ford added an extra resistance for this lamp.
The early GPA's had this resistance like mine against the side of the air tunnel the later one's against the deck.
You can see a close up picture in my photo bucket, page 3 at the bottum of this message.

Greetings Bob

(It is indeed nice to see Bart Holland is taking such good care of my GPA
and nice to see updated pictures of the repair devellopment! )

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 6:49 pm
by GPA2196

Ah yes... that makes sense.
