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enige moved from wanted for sale

Post by fordgpa »

Copied from wanted for sale send by Lincol S

Posted: 21 Aug 2007 06:53 pm Post subject: I am the seller


Hello Gentlemen,

I am the seller of the engine on eBay. I am not restoring a GPA, but I joined to be able to answer any questions you may have about the engine, and to provide any additional photos to those who wish to have them for documentation.

I don't know the entire story about the engine, as my Grandfather passed in 1991 and I hadn't asked much about it before he died. I know he bought it war surplus sometime in the 50's. It was received, moved to the very aft area of the shop, and then proceeded to get all sorts of bits and items piled on top of it for the next 50+ years. The address on the crate is from Red River Arsenal in Texarkana, Texas to Litchfield, MN but I do not know how it made its way to North Dakota (it is now in Texas).

I had thought the engine was new until I pulled the spark plugs. It doesn't appear to be used much. I often wonder if it was just a test engine, and then the program was scrapped. Someone probably decided the GPA's the the Russians didn't get weren't worth keeping, but some use of the engines could be made.

Anyways, thank you for the time, and it has been a pleasant experience I have had been getting from all the enthusiasts of the fine vehicles, and the rich history lessons I have been getting. Thank you!!! Lincoln S.
Last edited by fordgpa on Fri Aug 31, 2007 6:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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several replies

Post by fordgpa »

Posted: 21 Aug 2007 09:30 pm Post subject:


Dear Lincoln, welcome here.

Is it possible to have from you a clear close up picture of the GPA number stamped near the oil filter ? I will use it to update my website data base.

Thank you.

Ford GPA - SN 7177 - DOD Jan 30 1943

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Posted: 22 Aug 2007 12:34 am Post subject:


Welcome Lincoln....

I was curious what kind of spark plugs are in the engine... are they marked QM-2 ?


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Posted: 22 Aug 2007 04:16 am Post subject:


Mithril wrote:
Is it possible to have from you a clear close up picture of the GPA number stamped near the oil filter?

I will try.
I had to use a mirror to read the number. I may have to remove the engine from the crate to get a better shot. A really good photo could be made if I removed the oil filter cannister, but I don't think that is a good idea right now. I will try to photograph the image in the mirror, if that helps.

GPA2196 wrote:

I was curious what kind of spark plugs are in the engine... are they marked QM-2 ?

Tony, they are Champions with red lettering. I will not be near the engine tonight, but will get a clear photo of the plugs for you tomorrow morning.
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Post by fordgpa »

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Posted: 22 Aug 2007 02:55 pm Post subject:


Mithril, I tried to photograph the serial, but the area is dark, and I couldn't get a clear shot either with the flash or without. I am afraid I would need to pull the oil filter to get a good one.
Tony, the plugs are indeed QM-2.

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Posted: 22 Aug 2007 05:34 pm Post subject: serial number


OK Gents, I borrowed a friend's camera that is much smaller than mine and can take photos a lot closer to the subject without getting blurry like mine does. I hope you enjoy this picture for your archives.


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Posted: 22 Aug 2007 07:11 pm Post subject:


Perfect picture, thank you so much.

Ford GPA - SN 7177 - DOD Jan 30 1943

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Posted: 22 Aug 2007 08:18 pm Post subject:


Yes thanks very much for the confirmation...


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Posted: 23 Aug 2007 03:10 am Post subject: GPA Engine


Thank you for going to all this trouble of taking these photos and posting them. As I said in my previous post it sure is a conversation peice
especially with such a rich history.

It is certainly a good buy for some one who has a GPA and needs an engine wether it is near new or not.

The really great thing is you have made it available to a GPA owner who needs a motor. Far better it is sold on Ebay than ends up scrapped wheresome body else may not have realised its value.

I am sure I speak for many when I say "We all thank you for saving such a valuable part and making it available."

Best regards

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Posted: 23 Aug 2007 05:10 am Post subject: Re: GPA Engine


richardfs wrote:

I am sure I speak for many when I say "We all thank you for saving such a valuable part and making it available."

^You are making me blush!

I am hoping the new owner is willing to share some of the background of their project with me and maybe send a photo of the engine's "new home". I love learning history of WWII and I love to learn new things. I had never even heard of a G504 until very recently. Considering there were ~12000 made I think it is unusual that I hadn't. I looked through some of the photos on this website and it is really neat to see these vehicles in operation.

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Posted: 23 Aug 2007 10:56 am Post subject:


Considering there were ~12000 made

... and maybe a little more than 300 still existing today on the whole Earth.

Lincoln, your engine datas and pictures are now on my updated website.

Ford GPA - SN 7177 - DOD Jan 30 1943
Last edited by fordgpa on Fri Aug 31, 2007 6:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by fordgpa »

Ian Grieve

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Posted: 24 Aug 2007 04:11 am Post subject:



The fact that the engine is stamped (GPA935) and is below the number of GPA's produced (12,774 by official records of both Ford Motor Company and Tank-Automotive Centre) indicates the engine was in GPA 935 (same number as the Nomenclature Plate on the dash and the chassis number). It will not have been a test engine from Day One.

Has anybody ever seen an engine with a number stamped higher than 12,774?

There were also the three additional Ford Pilot models and the Marmon-Herrington QMC-4.

I have records at home of the US Army removing engines from GPA's on the West Coast before war's end. There were quite a number of GPA's that suffered this fate at that depot. I will dig out the details.

A lot of GPA engines ended up in refurbished MB and GPW jeeps here in Australia. From memory I think there was just over 70. Again, I will dig out the records. No doubt the same happened in the US.

I should mention that Ford Public Relations Branch published a War Record after 1945 with 12,778 and 12,781 GPA's produced. Detailed records clearly show otherwise.

It is great to enjoy the history. This engine coming to surface in a crate is absolutely beautiful. I have often wondered if anybody has seen the remains of the 333 cubic feet GPA Packing Case, with appropriate stencilling, that Ford produced to ship GPA's overseas under Lend-Lease?

Ian Grieve
Sunshine Coast, Queensland

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Ian Grieve

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Posted: 27 Aug 2007 12:16 pm Post subject:



Following is an interesting piece of history and sad for enthusiasts today.

In January, 1944, an inspection of vehicles at the Utah Army Service Forces Depot near Salt Lake City revealed the poor state of internal components of engines of vehicles held in storage. Another inspection was undertaken again in January, 1945. Whilst at Utah ASF Depot, it became apparent that a 16 June, 1943, directive from Tank-Automotive Centre, Detroit, required all
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Post by Ian Grieve »


Thought I would mention a little more of engines.

In Australia, 81 GPA engines (apart from the 161 Australian Army GPA's) found their way into 80 reconditioned GPW and MB jeeps. Where did these engines come from? It had to be from dismantled GPA's, and probably from the USA. Interestingly many of these 80 vehicles were registered in Australian Army records with the USA registration number. Other lend-lease jeeps (approximately 12,000) did not include the USA number in our register. It is likely the 80 vehicles were obtained from the American forces in either Australia or from the islands to the north, and probably the latter. Most of these 80 vehicles were sold in the late 50's or 1960. Serial numbers were scattered from GPA 489, GPA 496 through to GPA 11,758. Interestingly, one of the jeeps had two different GPA engines.

If GPA's could talk.

Ian Grieve
Sunshine Coast, Queensland
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