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GPA Memories - Before and After Photographs

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2007 7:42 am
by ozm29c
G'day All,
I thought that I would share a few GPA memories with you and post a few before and after photographs of a GPA that I had ten years ago. As you can see it was in very bad condition at the start of restoration and consequently it took me 10 years to restore. Time has moved on and life has its new priorities as I have since sold the GPA and I am now restoring an M29C Weasel floater.
John W.


Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 3:13 am
by Ian Grieve

Hi there. Great to catch up.

I recall ratting bits and pieces off that GPA in the late 70's, early 80's. It was just as weary then. I also remember seeing the biggest brown (?) snake of my life nearby. I was happy to get the bits and pieces i needed and get away. I figured where there was one, there may be two.

You can still see the pulley on the propellor shaft that drove the belt for the post hole auger. I have several photos of the GPA as it was with the borer rig. I must dig out some photos and the story of the work the vehicle undertook.

How is the M29C progressing?



Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 8:24 am
by Ian Grieve

Following is a reference to the GPA in its hey-day; ... f_gpa.html

I will dig out more details.


John,s GPA

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:45 pm
by richardfs
Hi John,
Arh "Yes" another frustrated exGPA owner.

You know there is only one cure!

I know a guy way down South that can help you with this problem.
