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Drag Link Seal

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:22 pm
by GPA2196

I've been thinking about the debate over clamping and not clamping this seal to the drag link. After installing it and looking at the set up it definitely makes sense not to clamp this seal and put some grease on the drag link to let it slide easier. That said, I've been thinking about a clamp that can be put on right before water operations and then removed or clipped on the drag link when on land and not the seal. I would want something that could be done in less than a minute or so and pretty easily... maybe spring loaded so that it pinches on? Its pretty thight space to get into. I assume you'd have to turn your wheels all the way to one side to clamp so you have the proper slack at all wheel angles.

Does anybody else have any thoughts on this or ideas what this clamp could look like or something off the shelf?

Maybe something like this?


Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2007 11:32 am
by Jan Roelse
Hi Tony,

I used no clamp for the draglink for long time and put before a long trip some vaseline on the link. There is one problem, after some time the perfect round hole in the seal is oval so you have to try to make it watertight again.
My solution was to use a tie wrap of good quality to make it tight again. Until now it works perfect. (Cut of the end-part!)
I drive/sail the GPA (every year) already from 1980 until now. When you use a temporary clamp before you jump into the water you sure will forget once to fix your special clamp, tool or equipment. But, maybe some other GPA-owners have also good solutions. I hope so, because it's not a 100% garanty!
My British Army GPA served with a leather boot/seal. In 1980 I found NOS rubber seals in the US and are still in use.
Wish you "All the Best for 2008" from Holland and lots of fun with your GPA!

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 10:35 pm
by Dominique Cordonnier
I lifted up this same topic some time ago , on the forum , and never had a reply !! :(
So I went by , and used my personal experience !
I had mounted the dag link rubber boot , that has the `o' seal , that's supposed to keep the water out !!!.. :shock:
Greased it conveniently , and gaved it a swim ! :roll:
Well I can assure you , You definitly need to clamp that seal !!, :evil: and It's access makes it very difficult to do an on and off job regularly!!?
Good luck Dominique

Drag link seal solution.

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2008 11:06 pm
by bobassel

What do you think of the South African solution of this problem! 8)
It is not original but I think engineers in the Ford Factory would be jealous
of this South African invention of (late) Eugen Nick!!! :oops:
A rubber hose in another rubber hose .
No drop comes in and no damaged hoses in all those years!
I never saw a better and more stabil solution for this problem! :D

Bob :wink:

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:19 pm
by Cees
Can anybody tell me what is the function of the "Clamp - front axel tunnel seal to drag link" no: 09B-9171 on page 62 from the partslist and howe it looks like ???????


Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2008 5:37 pm
by GPA2196
Is it this clamp? There are two pieces one inside and one outside.

Outside View 1

Outside View 2

Inside View


Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 8:25 am
by Cees

That is no: GPA 1711352 Plate (front floor tunnel drag link seal tapping) and no: GPA 1711354 Plate (front floor tunnel drag link seal clamping) The no 09B 9171 it is not a normal GPA number.


Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:32 am
by Jan Roelse
Hi Cees,

The Operators Instruction Manual for the GPA (copy of it) shows on page 5 a bad quality view of this clamp. Maybe an original print and scan shows more and better details.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:06 pm
by Cees
Thanks Jan


Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 2:13 pm
by GPA2196
Ahh... yes didn't have my manual infront of me... is this the clamp on the seal to the draglink itself then? Could somebody scan and post......


Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 3:04 pm
by Jan Roelse
Hi Tony,
You can easily take a look at the GPA-website of Cees under : Operators Manual (page 5).
It is a small print but maybe for you OK!

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 6:26 pm
by leo verhagen
Here is a good scan out of the Manual Jan mentioned:


Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:47 am
by Donovan

I have not gotten to this stage yet but my original hull seal was made out of leather. I contemplated having the seal remade out of leather but decided against it as it was not made to endure for a long period. I feel uneasy not clamping but understand the reasoning behind it. My thoughts are to rely on the people who have done this so far and it appears either no clamping or use of another flex hose would be required.
