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What too pay for a GPA?

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2008 11:11 am
by storchski
Hello All,

I was wondering what a GPA was going for these days? $AU? A friend asked what would one sell for not restored and a restored figure?

What are your thoughts?


Re: What too pay for a GPA?

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 4:29 pm
by bobskinner
Hi Nathan,
There are several factors involved; condition, location and how many people are looking at the time. If there are 2 or more `money no object' buyers in competion the sky is the limit. However, GPAs are definately a sellers market and will always command a good price. Serious buyers will travel the globe to find one so I think there would not be really big variations in price from country to country. To bite the bullet and put some figures on value (in British Pounds) I would say a GPA in perfect condition would fetch 35k to 45k. A restoration project, if complete must be worth at least 10K, irrespective of the condition of the hull and panels. So these are my guesses, what does everyone else think?
GPA 5386

Re: What too pay for a GPA?

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:27 pm
by Donovan

What I have seen is that an unrestored GPA can sell for as little as 5K (US dollars) to as much as 40K depending on condition and how much original equipment is still on it. The 5K one was one that had the nose and rear end cut off and "doors " cut in the side of the hull to make it like a jeep.

A newly restored GPA will sell from anywhere from 90-110K. Again, it is all dependent on market conditions and availability of buyers but it seems that there are always more buyers (at least people who think they would like to buy one) than there are sellers.

I think most people that are restoring GPAs are not in it for the money but the unique character of the vehicle. That and with the very few that are available (I estimate that there are less than 200 in any shape or form) make the price of the vehicle very high. Hopefully, Nathan, that will answer your friends questions.

One other point I would like to add, the hull of a GPA is very difficult to reproduce and the specialized parts that make it all work is unique to the GPA. So if you wanted to try and build a replica, it may cost as much or more that the original.

My 2 cents worth,


Re: What too pay for a GPA?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 8:06 am
by storchski
Thanks for the reply's, figures of what I had thought.
