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GPA Mysterious Water

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 1:06 pm
by GPA2196

Sometimes I notice about a half inch of water in the front compartment (in front of the radiator) the next day after a swim even after I clean it dry after a swim... the bilge pump won't get to that low level. I've also noticed that when I first pump the front compartment during a swim the water is orange (rust) colored.

I've finally put two and two together after I noticed water there the other day even after I haven't swam for months. The one thing I did do is wash the GPA and I got some down in the front area, I figured I'd use the bilge pump to suck out the majority and the shopvac for the rest. I did that fine but after a drive (dry) yesterday the rusty water was there again. I'm pretty sure that there must be water that stays in the bilge pipe curve and during stops or going down hill will slop out.... so that explains the mystery I think and unfortunately confirms that my pipes aren't painted all the way through :(

First has anybody else experienced this? And is there a way to flush the pipe after using it?


Re: GPA Mysterious Water

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 2:23 pm
by fordgpa
Hi Tony ,
I have had the same with mine.
After rebuilding the front lowerparts , I went into the water at a place were I first have drive in the water before i can swimm.
There is a ramp I used ,when i looked in I could not believe my eyes ,black water inside the front hull.
I went back out ,cleaned everything and went back in.
No drop off water inside. joker
We went out again and took a other ramp to get in deeper water ,again water inside the front . idea
But my friend Ton was looking at teh front when we went in and saw water coming out of the bilgepump pipe.
I don t know how to empty the pipes but it seems to work fine even after 65 years. lol


Re: GPA Mysterious Water

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 12:50 am
by GPA2196
Thanks Peter,

Good to know I'm not the only one experiencing this. Thanks for the reply!


Re: GPA Mysterious Water

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 1:00 pm
by Steve Barber
If you put the transmission in reverse with the bilge pump engaged, wouldn't this clear at least some of the water out of the pipes? I would think this standing water would also be an issue in cold climates. I would guess that this water could freeze and bust the pipes and or bildge pump.



As steep is your driveway is, could you park nose down on the steep part, put the transfer case in neutral and then try to pump the water remaining in the pipe back into your front section?


Re: GPA Mysterious Water

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 2:16 pm
by Donovan

When I restored my bilge valve I noticed that there was a small hole on the bottom side of the valve. My thought was always that this was put there to keep water from accumulating in the pipes. When I restored the valve, this small hole was packed with crud/debris and was probably very susceptible to clogging.


Re: GPA Mysterious Water

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:37 pm
by GPA2196
Great suggestions guys.... I will try them... I guess I just finally put two and two together and figured out where the orange water and residue was coming from.... I will try to reverse the pump and clear it before shop vacing the rest out.

Thanks again,