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Need Answers to some questions

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 2:37 am
by Donovan

I am in the final stages (which may take longer than I had hoped) of the restoration and need a couple answers to some questions:

1) What do people use for the floorboard screws. The manual calls for binding head screws 5/16-18 x 5/8" (?) I cannot find a source for 5/16" binding head screws. What does everyone else use?
2) The seal between the outer windshield frame and the hull. What is this? A source? How to make? It is not the same as a GPW seal!!!
3) The top canvas portion of the manual storage area (beside the driver). Is there a source for this?
4) How does the vacuum tube for the windshield wiper hookup to the manifold? Is there a steel line that brings it away from the manifold and the vacuum hose connects to the steel line?

The little details are maddening at times and I am trying to not do this twice!!!

Thanks in advance,


Re: Need Answers to some questions

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 12:47 pm
by bobassel
Hi Michael

1. The floorboards are fastened with 5 / 16 hexagon bolts unc.
at the rear with flat washers and at the front without washers.
2. The seal is as mentioned on the American forum a mixture of rubber and canvas.
As far as I know this material is not availeble anymore and especialy not with the profile for a GPA.
You can use the rubber seal that is used on the normal Jeep fot the inner windscreen.
3. The cover on the dispatch case (manual storage) is on the early models , up to
+ / - GPA 8000 a single cloth canvas cover with two push buttons.
After this serial nbr it is a combination canvas cover with an extra compartment with zipper.
This version with zipper was to store the bottum / hull plugs or flashlite separate.
4. The vacuum line is as the picture David placed on the American forum with the line comming from
the middle vacuum plug.
Probably on later versions it is modified like the normal Jeep, attached on the right intake manifeld

Because your GPA is a late one you should use the latest versions.
If you need pictures let me know and I can mail them to you.


Re: Need Answers to some questions

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2011 4:21 pm
by David Welch

Re: Need Answers to some questions

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 11:41 am
by GlennV
Hi Donovan,

Concerning your question of the seal between the outer windshield and the dash, you may find the following thread interesting :

If you scroll down on that post, you can see a section of the seal. My wife made this for me out of canvas with a rope sown inside of it.

I don't have a detailed picture right now, but i could take one if it would be helpfull.

Concerning your third question, i bought mine at Beachwood canvas.

Concerning your fourth question, i solved this with a tube pillar =>
But since then i learned it has to be a piece of coppertubing with a gland, on which the rubber tube is fit.

Good luck,

Re: Need Answers to some questions

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 4:31 pm
by Donovan

Thanks for your answers. I still do not understand why the manual says 5/16 binding head screws for the floorboards if they were bolts.

I have ordered the seal from Beechwood along with a few other items.


Your leads to other posts was helpful. Hopefully, Beechwood will come through as I have a late model. For now, I have used a barb for the vacuum hose and may change it later to conform to the original but it is low on the priority list.

Thanks for everyones help,
