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New forum owner announcement.

Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2011 10:46 pm
by bobassel
Hi all
This evening Peter Verhoeven handed me the tools for this GPA forum.
Comming period I 'll try to continue Peters work, try to improve this GPA forum and try to make
myself familiar with the ins & outs of it. rolley
I 've made some extra chapters and hope to make this more interesting than it allready was.
In my opinion this forum is unique because this is only meant for the Ford GPA.
Since I am the lucky owner of a GPA I feel that all owners have close ties with eachother !
I am the owner of this forum but !! we GPA owners must keep this alive as "our forum".
You see if someone asks questions or has a problem a lot of others are willing to help or give advice.
That is the wonderfull thing of this forum !
Peter, thanks for all your effords and good advices and I hope for your help in the future!

Bob Asselbergs sunny

Re: New forum owner announcement.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 7:55 pm
by GPA2196

Congratulations and thanks for carrying on the G504 site. I like this site since it is pure GPA, I do usually cross post GPA questions to both here and the G503 like most others but it's great to have a dedicated forum and archive just for the GPA.



Re: New forum owner announcement.

Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2011 9:32 pm
by fordgpa
Bob , nice to see you working on the forum .

Peter joker