Commemoration and liberation Holland,4th and 5th of may 2011

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Commemoration and liberation Holland,4th and 5th of may 2011

Post by bobassel »

Last wednesday and thursday Jorrit Volkers from the city Leeuwarden organazed with his crew a wonderfull amphibious event.
He was our host on those days and he arranged everything you can immagine for us sunny
At his beautifull location we could camp and he arranged enough drinks and food for us.
We were at the ceremony of the commemoration of all military and civilians victims of WW 2.
Afterwards we sailed throug the canals of the city Leeuwarden.
The next day,liberation day, DUKW drivers took many many interested people for a tour on the water.
At the end of the afternoon they finished their touring, but the rows of interested people were there still lol
We were there with 6 DUKW 's, 11 Ford GPA's, 3 amphi cars and 1 GAZ amphib.
Our friend Lammert van Keulen arranged a mobile ramp for all vehicles to enter the water.
It was baptised; "THE VON KEULEN BRIDGE ". rolley
The public, Amphib drivers and other crew were very pleased with this event.
Even the weather couldn 't be better sunny

Lammert van Keulen himself,owner and inventer from the bridge, enjoying the tour.
Our American friend and GPA owner Manny Rodgers joint our tour.
Ford GPA 12350, april 2nd 1943
Author of GPA book,
Bantam trailer S.N: 147807
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Re: Commemoration and libaration Holland,4th and 5th of may

Post by bobassel »

Ford GPA 12350, april 2nd 1943
Author of GPA book,
Bantam trailer S.N: 147807
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