New DUKW book

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Jan Roelse
Posts: 107
Joined: Thu Dec 29, 2005 12:17 pm

New DUKW book

Post by Jan Roelse »

New Book Tip!
The Complete DUKW by David Doyle it a beautifull Historical Reference book about this amphib.
Also in it, attention for- and information about the GPA with photo,s! Most welknown to us but in the best quality.
The GPA came first during WW2 but the DUKW was in the end the winner! I can live with that idea :-))
Try to get it soon before it is sold out.
ISBN 978-0-89747-720-8 (304 pages with perfect info and photo,s) Off. price: US 59.95
Kind Regards,
GPA 1942 #3972
GPA 1943 #11933
GPW 1942 #34836
WLA 1942 #60724
WLC 1943 #5185
Collector:WW2 docs/prints amphibians.
Avatar: Tribute to Ben Carlin "Half Safe"
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