GPA 4928 starting a new life in 1971

Here we can put old pictures ,drawings ect from GPA in action during there military history .please don't upload other pictures they will be deleted.

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GPA 4928 starting a new life in 1971

Post by bobassel »

Hi all,
I recently received some pictures of my GPA 4928 that I 've never seen before!
In 1971 Eugen Nick from Johannesburg discovered, now mine GPA 4928 abouth 600 km north of Johannesburg.
At that time he realised direct that this was an unique vehicle, and bought it.
It was a bit neglected and the original engine was exploded laying beside her.
Eugen installed a new engine and made it fload again sunny
He restored the vehicle like its original South African outfit from 1944.
Here some pics of the start of her seccond life in 1971.
Ford GPA 12350, april 2nd 1943
Author of GPA book,
Bantam trailer S.N: 147807
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