70 years liberation of Corsica

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70 years liberation of Corsica

Post by bobassel »

Five years ago, my French GPA friend, Dominique Cordonier invited me to join him for the
65 th liberation event at Corsica, which was well sponsored by government and ferry company.
My Dutch fellow GPA mate Cees Witte decided to join us.
We became member of the French MVCG Sud est and joined this event.
It was such a success, and so much fun, that now, five years later, three other GPA owners from Holland joined us to the 70th liberation of "La Corse".
Notwithstanding the late notifications and some troubles in the MVCG, the green light was there.
I drove alone first to my friend in the south of France, and spend some days at his estate.
I had the pleasure to drive for the first time for me, his Cushman scooter and his Weasel, which was a great experience.
For Friday we both left towards Marseille harbor to get the ferry to Ajaccio.
It is there were we met the other Dutch guys; Jan Roelse, Cees Witte and Jan Markerink with two GPA's and one Bantam Jeep.
As passengers on board I had the GPA owner from Malta, Stephen Farugia and family.
Unfortunately the ferry was more than 15 hours behind schedule, at long time and minus the time at Corsica.
We arrived at 16.00h and we were expected at the opening gala diner at 18.00h, which was in our case a little later because campsite and unloading.
At the base camp there were +/- 150 different vehicles and also our Belgium friend Freddy Delaunoit with his GPA.
After this nice evening we had to leave early for a tour of 250 km over the island.
We had several stops for free gasoline and food and a wonderful tour over the island.
Without troubles we arrived back at our campsite, very tired, dirty hands from the heavy steering but satisfied for having such a wonderful trip!
Next day we had some time to spend together before going to the great defile in Ajaccio.
Unfortunately it was a very tide schedule to drive the defile and getting the ferry back.
Dominique and I were just in time for it.
After the boat trip I drove to the small town Oradour sur glane to see the tragedy that has
occurred there, unbelievable. (see internet)
Next day I drove to the tank museum in Saumur, where they own a GPA, and I was interested to see this one.
Beside this GPA there is a great collection of vehicles like a Trippel amphib, Schwimmwagen,GMC DUKW and a lot of other interesting military vehicles.

All and all many km to drive, but I can look back at a great event, and I enjoyed the stay and being with my friends sunny

Bob lol
Ford GPA 12350, april 2nd 1943
Author of GPA book,
Willys MD M38A1, A13817 1952
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Re: 70 years libaration of Corsica

Post by Patrick »

Hi Bob,
Very nice trip, i hope i can join the community soon. lol
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