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Amphib 2020 international

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 6:58 pm
by bobassel
Dear friends,
Glad to announce that Amphib international will be held in Italy this year.
It will be held from June 20 untill June 27 at a camping place Lake Garda (Manerba).
Unfortunately to early for me, to much work at my GPA.
I am shure Mr Alberto Dubini will arrange a great amphib event.
I will keep you posted for entree form or other contact info.

Re: Amphib 2020 international

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2020 6:37 pm
by bobassel
Dear Amphibian Friends,

We are glad to announce that the next Amphib meeting will take place at Lake Garda in Italy during the last week of June, from early morning Sunday June 21st through Friday evening, June 26thth, 2020.

The campsite is :
Camping Rio Feriengl

Re: Amphib 2020 international

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 9:48 pm
by bobassel
Unfortunately cry
Amphib Italy is canceled because of Corona.
(Maybe ?? Austria)